Public Marketplace

TalentNow delivers a trusted source to match all your job opportunities with top curated talent.

The Right Talent For The Right Opportunity

Connecting you to top curated sources

On-Demand Talent Marketplace

TalentNow provides you the ability to tap into top curated staffing sources to deliver qualified talent using cutting-edge technology. Search by:

  • Skill Sets
  • Certifications
  • Wage Data
  • Geographic Location
Talent On Demand

TalentNow provides designated A-list talent in a systemized marketplace across all sourcing venues

Take advantage of our advanced AI platform that emphasizes “Talent First”, screening the best talent, in a non-biased process that meet all your job requirements.

TalentNow matches your requisitions to talent across a multifaceted approach beyond just title and resume, all powered by TalentNow Insights.

TalentNow’s unique algorithm works to connect your requisition to the right contingent worker. TalentNow Insights utilizes advanced data and analytics to assess occupational trends to ensure you have talent now and for future requisitions.

Let's talk

TalentNow is ready to assist you in all your staffing needs. Schedule a demo now and we will prove we can save you Time, Money, and Resources.